D30x5 for 3 kWt mm, Protective glass
D25х3 mm, Protective glass
Focus D30 F155 (Double-Convex + Meniscus) - 2 pcs
Блок питания HF100W-D-L 15V 3A
27,9x4,1 mm до 3 кВт, Protective glass
D37x1,6 for 20kW
D32х2 for 20kW
Ceramics D31 H13,5 mm M11 for Precitec NC63A
D37х7 for 10kW
Autonics Proximity switch PRDL18-7DN2
Focusing Cleaning D20 F800 Т3,5 SUP 21С/22С (Plano-Convex)
Plastic spacer Qilin
Collimating D16 F50 Т3,5 (Plano-Convex)
Focusing Cleaning D20 F200 Т4.5 SUP (Plano-Convex)
Switch limit sensor NPN for Ospri head UX951-WR
Switch limit sensor PNP for Ospri head UX951-WR
0.8mm chrome, double nozzle D28, H15mm M11 Precitec
Focus D28 F150 (Double-Convex + Meniscus)
Trumpf USA ZnSe D38,1 F127 T9 (Miniscus 3-6Kw)
38.5х30.5х3.7 for 34x5 BOCI
Ceramic D41 H34 M11 for BOCI
3mm HSG, double nozzle D28, H15mm M11 Precitec
M10 11,8x40 wire-feed 1,2mm Type D (high)
M16 Type A for SUP
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